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A diploma for a three-year course in either music or theatre. A certificate will be awarded for short courses.

Applicants should have an A Level or F.A. certificate from a recognized university. Preference will be given to applicants with some experience in performance. Applicants at least 17 years of age. There is no upper age limit.

Auditions and interviews are held on the NAPA campus.

Please see the Fees page for details. A diploma in music or theatre will cost Rs. 101,000. A short course in music is Rs. 34,000 and a short course in theatre is Rs. 19,000. Once a student is enrolled fees are not refundable, other than in exceptional circumstances.

Music Admissions:
  • No recorded material or accompaniment is permitted during an audition
  • Live tabla and harmonium accompaniment will be available if required

Vocal Music: Candidates must perform at least one vocal composition of their choice (2-3 min. duration).

Instrumental Music: Candidates must perform one piece (2-3 min. duration) on an instrument of their choice. With the exception of piano, candidates are required to bring their own instrument.

Theatre Admissions:

Candidates will be offered a choice of 5 or 6 monologues. They must choose one and memorize it. In addition, candidates must prepare a monologue (2 to 3 minutes in duration) of their own choosing. This second monologue should be in contrast to the piece given by NAPA.


At NAPA, we firmly believe that opportunity shouldn’t be reserved only for the privileged, which is why we offer scholarships to deserving students who have the required talent but are constrained by financial circumstances.